

A damaged rose still grows in the sunlight

Those missing pedals make it special in it’s own right

Take it without its thorns and you miss something genuine

So take time and respect the flower

The beauty brings you smiles in your darkest hours

Not its intent though

It is just a rose

Imperfect perfections are the only thing that it knows

It makes you feel loved

The color of blood

Drawn out of your fingertips

This is the one

I feel pain but I still wish to gain your love

I feel connected to you

This bud was my way to get the message to you

Don’t let it dry out

Don’t let it dry out

A stem cracked in half and pedals cover the floor

This rose meant something to me but you mean so much more

Drain the water that gives it life

Wonder what the intent is

Feelings are feelings

But my rose is still living



The mornings for me are bitter sweet
Rise from a fantasy

The girl of my dreams is no longer with me

A brief moment of us together

Replaces the frown I wear upon my face

But what it would take for us to be together

Simply obstacles


But our hearts would be enough to overcome


Fire breathing, Fire preaching 
You never taming this dragon

But months passing

And you’ll never imagined what had happened

I’ve chosen to be all by myself

I cant bring myself to want to be with no one else

Though I’ve been offered help

I’ve denied it, “where your spine”

Puff with two temptresses intertwined

But it’s not tragic

The real magic happened when I saw the joy in your eyes

So high in the night sky we fly

Light beams I’ve never seen leave the world around us glowing

Forever knowing

I’ll see you soon

And thats for certain

I’m Tired

I’m tired

Nothing more nothing less

I didn’t sleep last night

Because even in the comfort of my bed

The thoughts I have of you

Find a way to creep into my head

I’m tired

I’m tired of missing you

Invade my dreams

I can’t breathe when I think of kissing you

I’m tired


I am tired
Most days I lack motivation

Rarely inspired

Thats a death sentence for self preservation

Self medication

Ler her take over my day

And allow for relaxation

But I spot reality along the way

And the way I feel is weird

Because my emotions are just that way

I sit impatiently hours away

Wasting away my days

The check that I’m paid

Is used to see you

Used to see you on the daily

But sometimes I feel we have strayed

I’ll see you soon


Fiery Love

You are beautiful 
Your beauty caught my eye

Intelligence, personality the reason why

I fell in love with your mind

So high

When I see that smile

And still our number climbs

Friendship intertwined

I remind

Myself that we can never give this a try

I confess I am blessed that I have you in my life

My heart you may decline

But thats alright

As long as I may have you in my life

Im inclined

To want more from you

I want more of you

Switch up on my status now no woman rank above you

And what makes this the hardest

Is that you dont know how I feel

My emotions remain guarded

I dont want to get hurt

But I would travel through hell for you

And I would suffer the burns

So what I learned from our relationship

Is I can feel like shit

But as long as you are happy

Then I can deal with it


I see youthful innocence
Had a pen since five or six

I see the smiles

But its been awhile since they’ve sat upon my lips

Feel the blood on my fingertips

An internal apocalypse

The desctruction of ones inner self

Trapped inside a cell

My happier side often offers farewells

Im doing well

The words I speak before my liveliness had fell

Its hard to be myself

Dear You

Dear __________
I know you are hurting

I know you feel as though existing on earth is not worth it

This pain

You don’t deserve it

But I observe it

I know the hate you speak to me

I have not earned it

But I prefer it over the alternative

You take your life or you take your anger and transfer it

And if thats just what it is

That can be my purpose

[Heart] Beat Myself Up

I would do much for you
I know I must bore you

I am not special

You deserve someone for which you will not settle

You deserve someone whose mental state is level

You deserve a rock who can be stable

Not the pebbles of a rebel

Who is not even able

To make it through the day without a foggy mind

Confined to thoughts of sadness

Live my life backwards

I just do

But pass on justifying my own actions

How can I think what I think with no influence at all

Pass judgement

But the grudges will break down the wall

Unrealistic to ask you if you feel me at all

Its not your fault

But if you fall do not hesitate to call


Looked over
Abandoned conversation leaves the time passing slower

The red arm passes over

Over, over, over, and over

The words dwindle

Conversation is often lacking

Screens of black

To keep the number high

But meaningful encounters are of the smaller size

I hate you, I love you

I dont know you, I love you

Used to lust after you

But I now wish to ask you

About your life

Its okay

Your past is not my business

I just truly hope that one day your future can be my privilege

But until then

I’ll be here and I’ll be real

I respond quickly until my last day

For I know how being ignored feels

And I hope you never feel that way

Eat, Sleep, Work…

Eat, sleep, work, cry
Eat, sleep, work, cry

I eat, I sleep, I work, I cry

Days go by without a gleam inside of my eyes

Even if the sun lit and my heart hit just right

I realize that happiness and living my life do not coincide

I eat, I sleep, I work, I cry

I ask why

The feelings magnify and fester inside

The warmth says goodbye

No fight

I just comply


I eat, I sleep, I work, I cry