Fiery Love

You are beautiful 
Your beauty caught my eye

Intelligence, personality the reason why

I fell in love with your mind

So high

When I see that smile

And still our number climbs

Friendship intertwined

I remind

Myself that we can never give this a try

I confess I am blessed that I have you in my life

My heart you may decline

But thats alright

As long as I may have you in my life

Im inclined

To want more from you

I want more of you

Switch up on my status now no woman rank above you

And what makes this the hardest

Is that you dont know how I feel

My emotions remain guarded

I dont want to get hurt

But I would travel through hell for you

And I would suffer the burns

So what I learned from our relationship

Is I can feel like shit

But as long as you are happy

Then I can deal with it

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