
Head down eyes down
Heart down mood down

Feeling for those who dont feel

Attitude is rundown

The act has become real

Outershell concocted of confidence

Must conceal and never reveal the demons on his heels

He’ll lose appeal

Being ignored is his greatest fear

And his fear often appears in moments involving his peers

He wonders

What happened throughout all of these years

When his mind clear it creeps near

He’s never seeked an ear

So his sincere words often just dissapear


Often ignored lately
Open, ghostly faces fearing for my safety

Afraid he maybe will act shady

Do something he might regret

Upset, the darkness falls upon him like a silhouette

One man roulette

With a wrist were the razors sit

A stomach where the pills fill all into the misfit

Commit, do it, do it you piece of shit

In the morning as luck would have it

He ceased his internal conflict

The Light

When the horizon brightens
And the sun kisses the darkness

And the light that once sparkled is tarnished

Edges sharpened

Bargain to keep that glow

Release it

Let it go

The grim reality of somber living

Wishing the sun had stayed risen

Stayed forgiving

Stayed giving the light you have to those who would actually listen

So keep believing

Keep existing

For no reason

Other than to feel the light again 

Gray Clouds

The unprovoked self-pity of a once happier man

Roped into cynicism by the stains of blood upon his hands

The realities of nature he no longer understands

And his hatred was lifted just to fall into place again

That grass is greener, but mine seems bleaker

My mind seems bleaker 

They say they want to help but words aint enough to reach you

I keep the reaper close and let the spirits pass through 

And maybe my past can pass you

Without a second glance, or judge of my decisions

Opinions are opinions but yours are 

just something different

In yours I take an interest

If hell is the price to pay for your approval

A pitchfork in sight in my afterlife will be brutal

But worth it


A damaged rose still grows in the sunlight

Those missing pedals make it special in it’s own right

Take it without its thorns and you miss something genuine

So take time and respect the flower

The beauty brings you smiles in your darkest hours

Not its intent though

It is just a rose

Imperfect perfections are the only thing that it knows

It makes you feel loved

The color of blood

Drawn out of your fingertips

This is the one

I feel pain but I still wish to gain your love

I feel connected to you

This bud was my way to get the message to you

Don’t let it dry out

Don’t let it dry out

A stem cracked in half and pedals cover the floor

This rose meant something to me but you mean so much more

Drain the water that gives it life

Wonder what the intent is

Feelings are feelings

But my rose is still living